13th Krakow Mountain Festival Goes Down in History
More than 30 guests, including the most renowned representatives of the mountaineering world, almost 50 films, close to 20 clinics and presentations and approximately 5,000 spectators keen on outdoor adventures. That's how the biggest Polish mountain film festival – the 13th Krakow Mountain Festival (13th KFG), held on 4th-6th December at Krakow University of Economics – looked like in numbers. As it turns out, number 13 proved to be definitely lucky.
Grand Prix Międzynarodowego Konkursu Filmowego 13. KFG dla „Adventures of the Dodo”
Za nami uroczysta gala 13. Krakowskiego Festiwalu Górskiego, podczas której poznaliśmy tegorocznych laureatów Międzynarodowego Konkursu Filmowego i Konkursu Filmu Polskiego.