15th Krakow Mountain Festival – summary
The 15th Krakow Mountain Festival (KFG) took place from 1st to 3rd December. This year's edition was one of the most impressive in the Festival's history as far as invited guests and accompanying events are concerned. KFG has become one of the fixed points on the map of significant Polish festivals – it is certainly one of the biggest, if not the biggest, mountain festival in Poland, however, it has also gained international reputation. People seem to be fond of returning to Krakow in December, and we like surprising them.
15th Krakow Mountain Festival – Grand Prix KFG 2017 for „The Last Honey Hunter”
15th Krakow Mountain Festival (KFG) has come to an end and together with it many positive emotions that accompanied presentations, lectures, workshops and climbing competitions. Prizes have been awarded in two competitions – the International Film Competition and Polish Film Competition. Grand Prix KFG 2017 went to "The Last Honey Hunter" directed by Ben Knight.
Za nami 15. Krakowski Festiwal Górski – Grand Prix KFG 2017 dla „The Last Honey Hunter”
15. Krakowski Festiwal Górski przeszedł do historii, a wraz z nim moc emocji podczas prelekcji, wykładów, warsztatów i zawodów wspinaczkowych. Zostały także rozstrzygnięte dwa konkursy – Międzynarodowy Konkurs Filmowy oraz Polski Konkurs Filmowy. Grand Prix KFG 2017 otrzymał film "The Last Honey Hunter" w reżyserii Bena Knighta.