Photographer Karin Alfredsson has a flair for untouched nature; be it primeval forests in Jämtland or, as in this work, the fascinating, endless expanse of water and ice at the North Pole. Searching for evidence of climate change, the icebreaker Oden pushes itself up through the water and ice. Karin Alfredsson, who joined the ship as a research assistant, documents the vessel’s almost invisible forward movement with her camera. It roars, it creaks, the ice floes split, all while the seemingly infinite nature changes its light. It is beautiful. It is sad.
Karin Alfredsson’s work The North Pole Project addresses our smallness in the face of the power of nature. The big in the small and an opportunity to reflect on our existence.
Twenty minutes long, The North Pole Project is accompanied by a congenial soundtrack by composer Sebastian Öberg, previously of the band Fleshquartet.