20th Krakow Mountain Festival. It was good and energetic, as befits an anniversary!
This year, on the second weekend of December, real winter covered Krakow, making life difficult for its inhabitants. However, at the same time, a group of enthusiasts in colourful down jackets were enjoying this change of scenery, which undoubtedly suited and added charm to their feast. A feast of mountains, the Krakow Mountain Festival. Here are a few words of summary.
Awards handed out at 17th Krakow Mountain Festival!
The award ceremony of the Krakow Mountain Festival has taken place last week – climbers, mountaineers and other athletes received awards for exceptional contributions, successes and lifetime achievements that constitute a significant input into the development of our sport discipline. This year, for the first time, we have also handed out the Mountain Values Award.
16th Krakow Mountain Festival: Krakow Mountain Award and Krakow Climbing Award
Athletes who have contributed or who still contribute to history of sport climbing and mountaineering were awarded yesterday during the 16th Krakow Mountain Festival.
16th Krakow Mountain Festival
This is one of, if not the most popular mountain/climbing event in Poland (there are many as Polish people are c-r-a-z-y for the mountains!) and one of the largest mountain festivals in the world. Attracting incredible talent from all fields (rock climbing, ice climbing, mountaineering, running, skiing, snowboarding, biologists, anthropology, photography, film/documentary making, directing etc.), it's no wonder that every year, the Krakow Mountain Festival also attracts sell-out crowds.